At CROP, Center for Rural Opportunity and Power, we are committed to nurturing prosperity across rural communities nationwide through the growth of economical renewable energy and the advancement of a sustainable, vibrant, and thriving rural America.


who want to increase predictability on their revenue streams and diversify income


that want to see better amenities at the local level and secure the future of rural America


that want to support more opportunity and economic independence in order to keep rural communities thriving


For years, rural communities in the US have confronted a myriad of economic challenges stemming from factors such as escalating input costs, climate fluctuations, extreme weather patterns, an aging population, and heightened competition from international farmers. CROP aims to empower landowners and farmers with the transition towards clean energy thereby supporting rural independence and revitalizing rural America at the grassroots level.


Rural America is hurting from a shrinking tax base as many families move away. As the tax income tapers, so do the services provided. For example, schools shrink and are forced to cut expenses, which diminishes the education of the students. Parents then move away for the benefit of their children. Wind farms and solar fields can help turn this around!

1. Better Infrastructure

Projects designed with the community in mind, typically focus addressing local concerns and priorities including better roads and improved public amenities 

2. Economic Opportunity 

Clean projects often require a significant workforce for construction. operation and maintenance not only supporting local talent but also attracting workers elsewhere; in turn bolstering local businesses

3. Energy Independence

Renewable projects can reduce dependence on imported fossil fuels, increasing energy security for the community and reducing vulnerability to price fluctuations 

We are committed to nurturing prosperity across rural communities nationwide through the growth of economical renewable energy and the advancement of a sustainable, vibrant, and thriving rural America. 🇺🇸
What does renewable energy mean for your community? Jobs and economic opportunity!
Learn more about how the Center for Rural Opportunity and Power is working to empower your community at

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Interested in taking the next step with Solar, Wind, or Battery Storage in your community? Sign up to learn more about how you and your community can benefit.